Align your text in a paragraph

  1. place the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs you want the alignment to be applied to,
  2. open the text and paragraph settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit object icon at the top toolbar, or
    • tapping the Edit icon local option in the pop-up menu,
  3. on the Text tab, swipe up to see all the settings,
  4. select one of the horizontal or vertical alignment types:
    • Tap the necessary horizontal alignment type to apply:
      • tap the Align LeftAlign Left icon icon to line up the text by the left side of the page (the right side remains unaligned).
      • tap the Align CenterAlign Center icon icon to line up the text by the center of the page (the right and the left sides remains unaligned).
      • tap the Align RightAlign Right icon icon to line up the text by the right side of the page (the left side remains unaligned).
      • tap the JustifyJustify icon icon to line up the text by both the left and the right sides of the page (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment).
    • Tap the necessary vertical alignment type to apply:
      • tap the Align TopAlign top icon icon to align text at the top of the object.
      • tap the Align middleAlign middle icon icon to align text in the middle of the object.
      • tap the Align bottomAlign bottom icon icon align text at the bottom of the object.

    Paragraph Alignment settings

    To clear applied formatting, you can use the Clear format option.

  5. close the text settings panel by tapping the Close settings panel icon on the right.

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