Managing company documentation


Creating a well-organized storage space for your company documentation can help you save time and considerably increase the productivity and efficiency of the work.

The portal offers you a common space to store your company documentation - the Common section and allows you to structure it as you wish: creating folders and setting permissions for them.

This guide will show you how it can be done.

Step 1. Access the Documents

Enter your ONLYOFFICE portal and click the Documents link.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 1How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 1

In case you have already logged in to the portal and been using it for some time, to access the Documents module, open the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page and select the corresponding option.

Step 2. Create a structure

The My documents folder opens.

The simplest way to structure the company documentation is to organize it by groups creating a common directory for each company department.

Switch to the Common section clicking the corresponding link at the left-side panel. Click the Create button in the upper left corner and select the Folder option from the drop-down list. Enter a name for your folder, for example, a department title, and click the Create Create icon icon.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 2How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 2

The folder with the specified name will be created in the Common section. The same way you can create as many folders as you wish.

Step 3. Set permissions

By default, all the files and folders placed into the Common section are available for all portal users. To restrict the access you need to set permissions for all the created folders.

Click the Access button to the right of the necessary folder or use the Sharing Settings option from the context menu to open the Access Settings window.

First you need to block the Read Only access granted by default to all portal users. Point to the Everyone line, click the Read Only link and select the Deny Access option from the list.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3

Now to give access to this folder for one of the company departments click the Add Users button at the top of the window and select the necessary group.

To grant full access so that the users of the selected group could not only view the documents, but also create and edit them as well as upload and move files directly to this folder click the Read Only link and choose the Full Access option.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3

To apply the changes click the Save button.

You can set permissions for several files/folders at once.

Mark the items that you want to share with the portal users and click the Sharing Settings button. In the opened Access Settings window you'll see all the users and groups which have an access to the selected folder items. If you see the Varies link in front of the user name, that means that he/she has different access levels to the selected items.

In case you want to set the same access permissions to the selected folder items for a user/group of users, click the Varies link and select one of the available access options.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 3

To apply the changes click the Save button.

Within the Access Settings window, you can also change the folder owner, if necessary. Click the owner name, select another user from the list and click the Save button. If several selected files/folders you set permissions for have different owners, it's only possible to change the owner for each item separately. For this purpose, you can right-click the necessary item in the list and use the Access -> Change owner option from the file/folder context menu. In the Change owner window that opens, select another user from the list and click the Save button.

Step 4. Organize documents

To place documents to appropriate folders check the box near the necessary documents, click the Move to button and select the folder you wish to move your documents in.

How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 4How to organize and manage your company documentation? Step 4

The document will be placed to the selected folder.

It's also possible to upload some new files directly to the created folder entering it and using the Upload button in the upper left corner of the page. The rights set to the folder will be applied to all the documents placed and uploaded to it.

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