Integrating ONLYOFFICE with Mendeley

Connect the Mendeley service to be able to create, manage and insert bibliographic lists into your documents. Use Authorization keys to connect your portal to Mendeley.

Bare Bones Instructions

If you decide to connect Mendeley, proceed through these simple steps:

  1. First of all, go to the Settings section. To do that, click the Settings Icon icon in the right upper corner.

  2. Switch to the Integration tab.

  3. Open the Third-Party Services page.

    In this section, you will see all the third-party services you can connect your portal to. The most important part in the process of establishing the connection is to find application keys. If you want to connect a third-party service to your portal, first of all get the application ID (may be called app key, client_id, api key, etc.) and Key (app secret, client_secret, api secret, etc.). The way to obtain the connection keys differs from service to service. So choose the necessary service and follow the instructions:

Connect Mendeley to ONLYOFFICE Mendeley Icon

This service can be connected within the corresponding plugin at the Plugins tab of the Document Editor.

  1. Go to the Mendeley page and register a new account or log into an existing account;
  2. Proceed to My apps page and register a new app by filling the following fields:
    • specify the Application name,
    • add a Description for the application,
    • open the Mendeley plugin in the Plugins tab, copy the provided URL address. The address should look like this: https://your.portal/ds-vpath/5.5.3-39/sdkjs-plugins/mendeley/oauth.html,
    • accept the Terms and Conditions,
    • generate a Secret,
    • click the Submit button to add an application.
  3. Copy the generated id of the application, insert it into the Application ID field in the Document editor, and click the Save button;
  4. Continue by logging into your Mendeley account.

Watch video

Reference management in ONLYOFFICE documents with Mendeley

In this video you'll learn how to use reference management software within ONLYOFFICE editors. Make your thesis fit to the standards with three plugins for creating bibliographies.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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