Common operations

Search for an item

To quickly find the necessary item (e.g. project, task, project document) by name, go to the corresponding section and tap the Search Search icon icon on the top to open the Search screen. Tap this field, enter the required item name and tap the Search button on the keyboard.

Search field

Use the Reset query icon to reset the search query. To close the search field, tap the Cancel icon icon on the right.

Sort and filter items

You can sort items by different parameters and apply a filter or several filters to display the necessary items only. Available sort and filter options may differ depending on the selected section of the Projects module (projects and milestones, ">tasks, discussions, documents). All the available sort and filter parameters for different items are listed in the corresponding sections of the documentation.

Sort items
  1. tap the More icon icon in the upper right corner,
  2. select the necessary sorting criterion. For example, projects can be sorted by Title or Creation date,
  3. tap the Title or Creation date to sort the items in ascending or descending order. Tapping the same criterion one more time will reverse the sorting order.
Filter items
  1. tap the Filter Filter icon icon in the upper right corner,

    Filter menu

  2. tap the necessary filter in the list. For example, projects can be filtered by Status, Project manager, Team member or Other. Choose the necessary parameters for the selected filter, e.g. if you want to filter projects by Status select the necessary status (ActivePaused or Closed),
  3. if necessary, apply other available filters,
  4. tap the SHOW PROJECTS button.

When one or several filter options are applied, the filter icon looks like this: Filter icon.

To clear the filter, tap the Filter icon icon and use the RESET option in the upper right corner, then tap the SHOW PROJECTS button.

Perform actions on a single item

Available options may differ depending on the selected app section (projects and milestones, ">tasks, discussions, documents). All the available options for different items are listed in the corresponding sections of the documentation.

To change the item status, tap the Open project item icon and choose one of the three options: Open, Paused, and Closed.

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