Setting paragraph line spacing

Set the line height within a paragraph

  1. put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs or the whole text,
  2. open the text and paragraph settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit object icon at the top toolbar, or
    • tapping the Edit option in the pop-up menu,
  3. on the TEXT tab, swipe up to see all the settings,
  4. tap the Line Spacing option,
  5. select the necessary line height value,

    Paragraph line spacing settings

  6. close the text settings panel by tapping the Close settings panel arrow on the right.

Set the amount of space between paragraphs

  1. put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs or the whole text,
  2. open the text and paragraph settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit object icon at the top toolbar, or
    • tapping the Edit option in the pop-up menu,
  3. switch to the PARAGRAPH tab,
  4. tap the Advanced settings menu item,
  5. use the corresponding options to achieve the desired results:
    • Before/After - set the amount of space before/after the paragraph using the Downwards arrow or Upwards arrow arrows to decrease or increase the current value.
    • First Line - set the offset from the left side of the page for the first line of the paragraph using the Downwards arrow or Upwards arrow arrows to decrease or increase the current value.
    • Space Between Paragraphs - turn this option on in case you want to add space between paragraphs of the same style,

    Paragraph spacing settings

  6. close the paragraph settings panel by tapping the Close settings panel arrow on the right.

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