XOR Function

The XOR function is one of the logical functions. It is used to return a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments. The function returns TRUE when the number of TRUE inputs is odd and FALSE when the number of TRUE inputs is even.


XOR(logical1, [logical2], ...)

The XOR function has the following arguments:

logical1/2/nA condition that you want to check if it is TRUE or FALSE

You can enter up to 255 logical values.

How to apply the XOR function.


There are two arguments: logical1 = 1>0, logical2 = 2>0. The number of TRUE inputs is even, so the function returns FALSE.

XOR Function: FALSE

There are two arguments: logical1 = 1>0, logical2 = 2<0. The number of TRUE inputs is odd, so the function returns TRUE.

XOR Function: TRUE

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