PROB Function

The PROB function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to return the probability that values in a range are between lower and upper limits.


PROB(x_range, prob_range, [lower_limit], [upper_limit])

The PROB function has the following arguments:

x_rangeThe selected range of cells containing numeric values you want to associate the probabilities with.
prob_rangeA set of probabilities associated with values in x_range, the selected range of cells containing numeric values greater than 0 but less than 1. The sum of the values in prob_range should be equal to 1, otherwise the function will return the #NUM! error.
lower_limitThe lower bound of the value, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to.
upper_limitThe upper bound of the value, a numeric value entered manually or included into the cell you make reference to. It is an optional argument. If it is omitted, the function will return the probability equal to lower_limit.

x_range should contain the same number of elements as prob_range.

How to apply the PROB function.


The figure below displays the result returned by the PROB function.

PROB Function

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