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EOMONTH Function

The EOMONTH function is one of the date and time functions. Is used to return the serial number of the last day of the month that comes the indicated number of months before or after the specified start date.


EOMONTH(start_date, months)

The EOMONTH function has the following arguments:

start_dateA number representing the first date of the period entered using the DATE function or other date and time function.
monthsA number of months before or after start_date. If the months has the negative sign, the function will return the serial number of the date which comes before the specified start_date. If the months has the positive sign, the function will return the serial number of the date which follows after the specified start_date.

How to apply the EOMONTH function.


The figure below displays the result returned by the EOMONTH function.

EOMONTH Function

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