Setting up mail server


Mail Server is an additional feature of the Mail module used to send and receive emails using your own domain names. Connecting mail to your own domain, you will be able to do business correspondence using your own addresses, such as your company name.

This messaging solution makes email management simple and includes the following components: mail server, mail server API, web server, WebUI, and mail aggregator (2g!) service.

In the following guide, you will find out how to set up and get started with the portal Mail Server.

Step 1. Access the Mail

Enter your portal and click the Mail icon available at the top of each portal page.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 1How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 1

To access the Mail, you can also open the drop-down list in the top left corner of the page and select the corresponding option.

Step 2. Add a domain

The portal Mail window will open.

Switch to the Settings section on the left-side menu, select the Mail Server option, and click the Add your own domain button.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 2How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 2

Enter the company domain name in the field and click the Next button.

The next step is used to prove your domain ownership. To do that, you need to add TXT-record in the control panel of your own domain.

If you are using the server version It’s not necessary to prove the domain ownership by adding a TXT record. In this case, the Add domain wizard includes 4 steps only, and you can proceed to adding the MX record right after you specify the domain name.

Open the control panel of your domain in another browser tab, copy the bold text provided in the Add domain Wizard, and paste it into the appropriate fields in your domain DNS settings.

The Next button will be locked until the TXT entry appears in the DNS settings. Once the DNS settings are updated, the next step of the Add domain wizard will be available.

As soon as the TXT record is created, press the Next button of the Add domain wizard.

The same way you need to add MX-record, SPF-record, and DKIM-record in the DNS settings.

Just copy the needed information provided in the wizard and paste it into the appropriate fields of the control panel of your domain, and click the Next button of the wizard.

When all records are added, press the Complete button.

To verify your domain settings, click the Actions button button situated next to the domain name and select the DNS Settings option from the menu. The domain settings window will open where the records are checked.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 2How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 2
If you see the DNS settings link appearing in red next to the domain name, it means that one or several DNS records for your domain are incorrect or not updated yet. Go to your domain settings panel to verify the records. If all is correct, please wait till the records are updated, as some servers can take up to 24 hours to update DNS information. Use the Verify button in order to update the information.
It's possible to view the connection settings that can be used when connecting a mailbox to a third-party mail client, e.g., Mozilla Thunderbird.

Administrators can view the connection settings using the domain menu at the Mail Server settings page. Users who have a mailbox on the domain can view the connection settings using the mailbox menu at the Accounts Management page.

Click the Actions button button to the right of the domain/mailbox and select the Connection settings option from the domain/mailbox menu. The connection settings will be displayed in a new window. The settings include the following data: Login and password (your mailbox address and password), Server, Port, SSL/TLS for the incoming mail (IMAP server), and outgoing mail (SMTP server).

Starting from Workspace v12.0, the ImapSync service is used, which allows synchronizing mailboxes connected to third-party clients. ImapSync works only for mailboxes created after updating to v12.0. Currently, it allows to synchronize the Inbox, Sent, Drafts, and Spam folders between the portal and corresponding folders in third-party mail clients. User folders are synchronized to folders with the same name. ImapSync allows you to synchronize receiving, moving, deleting messages, and changing the Read and Important flags.

Step 3. Add a mailbox, aliases, and mail group

You have set up your domain. Now you can add a first mailbox.

To do that, click the Add new mailbox link and enter the mailbox address into Mailbox address field.

Then add a user. Click the Add user link and choose the needed person from the list or find the user typing his name into the Search field.

The Sender name field will be filled in automatically with the information from the user profile, but you can change the name if necessary.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3

When you finish adding the user, click the Save button to make the settings take effect.

You can create only two different mailboxes for one user.
The user will receive a notification about the mailbox creation. The notification will be sent to the mailbox specified in the user’s profile (if it is activated) and to the created mailbox. In the Enterprise Edition server version, the notification will also contain information about the connection settings for the third-party mail clients.

To add an alias to the newly created mailbox, click the Actions button button to the right of the mailbox name and select the Edit mailbox option from the menu. In the opened window, enter the mailbox alias into the corresponding field and press the Save button. The same way, you can add as many aliases as you need.

It's possible to change a mailbox password.

Administrators can change a password for the user’s mailbox using the mailbox menu at the Mail Server settings page. Users who have a mailbox on the domain can change their passwords using the mailbox menu at the Accounts Management page.

Click the Actions button button to the right of the mailbox, select the Change password option from the mailbox menu, and specify a new password. The password generation and validation rules are the same as the ones for the portal account passwords (which are specified in the Password Strength Settings section of the portal security settings). You can enter a password manually or generate it automatically. The password is validated as you type, its compliance with the password strength requirements is indicated by color. To generate a new password automatically, click the Generate password icon. The mailbox address and generated password can be copied using the corresponding link below and sent to the user. The automatic portal notification about the password change will be sent to the mailbox specified in the user’s profile (if it is activated). If the user’s profile mailbox is not activated, the message will be sent to the current mailbox.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3

In case you need to group some email addresses under one name, you can create a mail group.

Click the Add new mail group link situated under the needed domain name.

Enter the mail group address and choose mailboxes to be included in the mailgroup. Click the Save button to save the changes.

How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3How to set up the portal Mail Server? Step 3

The added mailbox will be automatically included in the group. If the mailbox is not included in any group, it will appear in the not in group list.

That's all! Everything is ready to start sending emails using the new domain.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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