Integrating ONLYOFFICE with Selectel Cloud Storage

Connect the Selectel Cloud Storage service to use the connected cloud storage as a third-party storage when creating backups. For server version, it's also possible to use this cloud storage to store data and static content from your portal. Use Authorization keys to connect your portal to Selectel Cloud Storage.

If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services are set up automatically. In the SaaS version, you can connect DocuSign, Twilio and EasyBib services, as well as AWS, GoogleCloud, Rackspace and Selectel.

Bare Bones Instructions

If you decide to connect Selectel Cloud Storage, proceed through these simple steps:

  1. First of all, go to the Settings section. To do that, click the Settings Icon icon in the right upper corner.

  2. Switch to the Integration tab.

  3. Open the Third-Party Services page.

    In this section, you will see all the third-party services you can connect your portal to. The most important part in the process of establishing the connection is to find application keys. If you want to connect a third-party service to your portal, first of all get the application ID (may be called app key, client_id, api key, etc.) and Key (app secret, client_secret, api secret, etc.). The way to obtain the connection keys differs from service to service. So choose the necessary service and follow the instructions.

Connect Selectel Cloud Storage to ONLYOFFICE Selectel Cloud Storage Icon

  1. Sign in to your Selectel account;
  2. Go to the Cloud storage -> Users section;
  3. Choose the user who has corresponding access rights to the storage or create a new user providing him/her with Read and write access to the containers which will be used to store your backups;
  4. Copy the user login and enter it in the Selectel authUser field on the portal;
  5. Copy the user password and enter it in the Password to access the storage field on the portal.

Host ONLYOFFICE Workspace on your own server

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