Installing ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server


ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise is a paid version of a document hub where you can connect users and documents in one place to boost collaboration.

The installation for Windows includes the following components: ONLYOFFICE DocSpace and ONLYOFFICE Docs. This guide will show you how to install all these ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise components without efforts using the .exe installation file.

System requirements
  • CPU: at least 4-core (6-core recommended)
  • RAM: at least 8 GB (12 GB recommended)
  • OS: server operating systems only: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (R2) and later
    Please note that ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise cannot be installed on the following Windows versions: Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 x64, Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 x64.
  • Additional requirements:
    • en-US interface language package (for non-English distribution versions)
    If you are using a version of Windows which has the interface language different from the en-US locale, some problems might occur. To avoid them please install the en-US language package, create an additional user with the use of only base latin characters (e.g. ONLYOFFICE or Administrator) and give this user the default administrator privileges. After that you can continue the installation as this user.

Step 1. Download the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise installation file

To download the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise installation file, go to the Download page. Go to the For Windows section and click the Download button. Fill in the form and submit your request. You'll receive an email message that contains your 30-day trial license key and the link to download the installation file. Download and save the license key on your computer. Follow the provided link and wait till the download of the installation file is completed.

Step 2. Install the prerequisites

Double-click the .exe file you have just downloaded - the Prerequisites Setup Wizard will be launched. It will help you to install some prerequisites required to run ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise. Click the Next > button to continue.

For offline installation, download prerequisites separately.
How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2

Carefully read the End-User License Agreement for components and applications provided by third parties. Check the I accept the terms in the License Agreement option if you agree with them. Then click the Next > button.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2

You'll be prompted to install the following components:

  • .NET Framework 4.8 or higher,
  • .NET Runtime 8.0 x64 or higher,
  • ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0 x64 or higher,
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 x64,
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2019 x86,
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015-2019 x64,
  • MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0 x86,
  • MySQL Installer Community 8.0 x86,
  • MySQL Installer Community 8.0 x86 Runner
  • Node.js 20.11,
  • OpenJDK Java Development Kit 21,
  • OpenSearch v2.11 x64,
  • Erlang v26.0 x64,
  • RabbitMQ v3.12 x64,
  • Redis 7.4 x64,
  • FFmpeg v6.0 x64,
  • Certbot v2.6,
  • PostgreSQL ODBC Driver v15.0 x64,
  • PostgreSQL v14.0 x64,
  • OpenResty v1.25,
  • OpenSearchStack v1.0 x64.
How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2

Click the Next button to download and install the prerequisite software. This process may take some minutes.

Step 3. Install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise

As soon as all the components are installed, you can proceed to the main program installation. The ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise Setup Wizard will be launched automatically. Click the Next > button to continue.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3

Read the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise license agreement carefully and check the I accept the terms in the License Agreement option if you agree with them. Then click the Next > button.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 2

By default, ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise will be installed to the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\DocSpace\. If needed you can change it clicking the Browse button and selecting the necessary folder on your computer. Then click the Next > button.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3

On the next screen, click the Install button to start the installation process. It may take several minutes.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3

Once the installation process is completed, click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard.

How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3

Step 4. Run ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise

Launch your DocSpace using the shortcut on the desktop. The DocSpace Setup page will open in your default browser at the http://localhost/wizard address. Now you need to perform the DocSpace initial setup.

  • Enter a Password you will use to access your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise the next time and confirm it. By default, the password must be at least 8 but no more than 30 characters long.
  • Specify your email address. The Email Activation message will be sent to the specified email. Follow the link provided in this email to complete your email activation procedure.
  • Drop-down the Language list and select the necessary language to display all DocSpace pages and notifications.
  • Set the time zone that corresponds to your location from the Timezone drop-down list.
  • Click the How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 3 button in the Your license file section and browse for the license .lic file stored on your computer (see Step 1).
  • Accept the terms of the License agreements by checking the corresponding box.
How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 4How to deploy ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Enterprise for Windows on a local server? Step 4

When all the parameters are set, click the Continue button.

That's all. Your DocSpace is created.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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