Use the following command on Ubuntu:
sudo apt purge 'docspace*'
Use the following command on CentOS:
sudo yum remove 'docspace*'
This command will remove the binaries and the configuration files of the DocSpace packages, but it will leave the dependencies installed with them.
Confirm the deletion by selecting Yes.
If you get some warnings "directory not empty so not removed", remove the directories manually:
sudo rm -rvf /var/log/onlyoffice/docspace
The names of all the installed packages which contain 'docspace' present in the system can be found using the following command on Ubuntu:
sudo apt list --installed | grep docspace
Use the following command on CentOS:
sudo yum list installed | grep docspace
ONLYOFFICE Docs will remain, you can use this instruction to delete it.
All installed prerequisites and components will remain and can be uninstalled separately.