Deploying ONLYOFFICE DocSpace in DigitalOcean


Now you can easily deploy the Docker version of the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace in the DigitalOcean cloud infrastructure using a one-click app provided in the DigitalOcean Marketplace.

The one-click app is an image that includes all the necessary pre-configured components to deploy your web office on a DigitalOcean server running under Ubuntu OS.

Step 1. Create your droplet in DigitalOcean

Log in to your DigitalOcean account and go to the DigitalOcean Marketplace.

Find the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace application in the Business Apps category, move the mouse button over the app and click the ‘Create Droplet’ button that appears. Alternatively, you can open the droplet details page and click the ‘Create ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Droplet’ button.

Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

In the Choose Region section, change the datacenter region, if necessary. It’s recommended to select a region with a closest location.

Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

This section also displays the default VPC network for the droplet. The droplet will be able to communicate securely over the Private IP addresses with other resources in the same VPC network.

In the Choose an image section, the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace app is selected automatically.

Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

In the Choose Size section, select the Droplet Type, CPU options, and the plan you want to use or leave the default options. The choice depends on the amount of memory that you need to store your data. It's recommended to choose 16 GB of Memory for running your DocSpace.

Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

If you need more disk space, add a volume by clicking the Add Volume button. Block storage allows you to add independent storage volumes that can be moved from one droplet to another within the same region.

In the Backups section, enable your droplet backups if you want to perform automatic backups of the droplet at the time you specify. Weekly Backups cost 20% of the droplet price. Daily Backups cost 30% of the droplet price.

In the Choose Authentication Method section, select the authentication type that will be used to access your droplet. You can either specify a root password or add an SSH public key.

Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

Create a root password to access the droplet (password authentication is a less secure way than using SSH keys). The password must correspond to the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters long
  • Must contain at least 1 uppercase character (first and last characters don’t count)
  • Must contain at least 1 number
  • Cannot end in a number or special character

Keep your password in a safe place. You will not receive any email messages containing your droplet details and password.

Using SSH keys is a more secure way to access your created droplet than using a password. In this case, the password authentication will be disabled by default. If you want to connect to your server using an SSH key instead of a password, add a new SSH public key or use a previously added one. Private key must be stored on your local machine. To learn more how to create SSH key pairs and add the public key to a droplet, you can refer to the DigitalOcean documentation.

Optionally, you may set up some other droplet parameters.

  • Check the Add improved metrics monitoring and alerting option if you want to collect and graph expanded system-level metrics, track performance, and set up alerts instantly within the control panel.
  • Click the + Advanced Options item and check some additional options if necessary: enable IPv6 networking, add initialization scripts to run on initial droplet boot up, or provide user data.
  • In the Finalize Details section, you can change the number of created droplets, change a default hostname that will be used to identify the droplet within the DigitalOcean Control Panel, add tags, or choose a project to assign the droplet to, if you have multiple projects.
Create your droplet in DigitalOceanCreate your droplet in DigitalOcean

Click the ‘Create Droplet’ button and wait while the droplet is being created. The newly created droplet will be displayed in the DigitalOcean Control Panel.

The server IP is displayed next to the droplet hostname. If you move the mouse button over the IP address, the Copy option appears. Click it to copy the IP address.

Step 2. Connect to your server via SSH to complete the installation

On Windows, you can use the PuTTY utility.

Enter the droplet IP address, make sure that port 22 is specified and the SSH connection type is selected.

Connect to your server via SSHConnect to your server via SSH

If you added an SSH public key when creating the droplet, specify the path to your corresponding private key stored on your local machine in the Connection -> SSH -> Auth section.

Click the Open button. Then click Yes in the PuTTY Security Alert window.

  • If you selected the password authentication when creating the droplet, use root as a login and enter your root password specified during the droplet creation.
  • If you added an SSH key, you will be authenticated using your private key.

On Linux, you can use an SSH client like OpenSSH. Enter ssh root@your_droplet_ip to your terminal and type yes to continue connecting to the server.

  • If you haven't added SSH keys, you'll be prompted for your password specified during the droplet creation.
  • If you have multiple SSH keys, you may need to specify the path to your private key: ssh -i /path/to/private/key root@your_droplet_ip You will be authenticated using your private key.

Wait while the installation process is completed.

Step 3. Access your portal via a web browser

In a web browser, enter http:// + your droplet IP address into the address bar. The initialization of your portal may take a few minutes.

The DocSpace Setup page opens.

  • Enter a Password you will use to access your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community the next time and confirm it. By default, the password must be at least 8 but no more than 30 characters long.
  • Specify your email address. The Email Activation message will be sent to the specified email. Follow the link provided in this email to complete your email activation procedure.
  • Drop-down the Language list and select the necessary language to display all DocSpace pages and notifications.
  • Set the time zone that corresponds to your location from the Timezone drop-down list.
  • Accept the terms of the License agreements by checking the corresponding box.
Access your portal via a web browserAccess your portal via a web browser

When all the parameters are set, click the Continue button.

That's all. Your DocSpace is created.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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