Switching your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community to HTTPS when installing from RPM/DEB packages


When you install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community from RPM/DEB packages, you can use the letsencrypt.org service and script to easily create a CA-signed certificate and switch the portal to HTTPS with a single command.

The article below will explain how this can be done.

When switching to HTTPS, port 443 must be available.

Creating and installing CA-signed certificate

Run the following script:

bash /usr/bin/docspace-ssl-setup EMAIL DOMAIN


  • EMAIL is the email used for registration and recovery contact. Use comma to register multiple emails, for example: u1@example.com,u2@example.com.
  • DOMAIN is the address of the domain where your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community portal is installed.

The script will automatically create and install the letsencrypt.org CA-signed certificate to your server and restart the NGINX service for the changes to take effect.

Now your portal should be available via the https:// address.

Using own certificates

You can use your own certificates via the -f parameter:

bash /usr/bin/docspace-ssl-setup -f yourdomain.com CERTIFICATE PRIVATEKEY


  • CERTIFICATE is the path to the certificate file for the domain.
  • PRIVATEKEY is the path to the private key file for the certificate.
A self-signed certificate must have a full chain to work correctly.

Now your portal should be available via the https:// address.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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