Switching your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community to HTTPS when installing using Docker


When you install ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community using Docker, you can use the letsencrypt.org service and script to easily create a CA-signed certificate and switch the portal to HTTPS with a single command.

The article below will explain how this can be done.

When switching to HTTPS, port 443 must be available.

Creating and installing CA-signed certificate

If you want to install DocSpace with SSL right away using the letsencrypt certificate, run the installation script with the following parameters:

bash docspace-install.sh docker --letsencryptmail user@example.com --letsencryptdomain yourdomain.com


  • letsencryptmail is the email used for registration and recovery contact. Use comma to register multiple emails, for example: u1@example.com,u2@example.com.
  • letsencryptdomain is the address of the domain where your ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Community portal is installed. Use comma to register multiple domains, for example: yourdomain1.com,yourdomain2.com.

The script will automatically create and install the letsencrypt.org CA-signed certificate to your server and restart the NGINX service for the changes to take effect.

If you want to switch to HTTPS already installed DocSpace, you can launch switching to HTTPS manually from the /app/onlyoffice/config/docspace-ssl-setup file:

bash /app/onlyoffice/config/docspace-ssl-setup user@example.com yourdomain.com

Now your portal should be available via the https:// address.

Using own certificates

If you want to install DocSpace with SSL right away using your own certificates, run the installation script with the following parameters:

bash docspace-install.sh docker --docspacehost yourdomain.com --certfile path --certkeyfile path


  • certfile is the path to the certificate file for the domain.
  • certkeyfile is the path to the private key file for the certificate.

If you want to switch to HTTPS already installed DocSpace, you can launch switching to HTTPS manually from the /app/onlyoffice/config/docspace-ssl-setup file:

bash /app/onlyoffice/config/docspace-ssl-setup -f yourdomain.com /app/onlyoffice/fullchain.pem /app/onlyoffice/privkey.pem
A self-signed certificate must have a full chain to work correctly.

Now your portal should be available via the https:// address.

Host ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on your own server or use it in the cloud

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