Inserting time

  1. Select the cell where you wish to display the result.
  2. Click the Insert function insert function icon icon located at the top toolbar and choose the Additional option,
    insert functioninsert function
    or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu,

    insert function cell menu

    or click the insert function icon_formula icon located on the Formula tab, or click the insert function formula bar icon to the left of the formula bar.
  3. Select the Date and time function group from the list.

    date and time function group

  4. Click the TIME function and then click OK.

    time function

  5. In the Function Arguments window, enter the required arguments separating them by commas according to the function syntax:

    TIME(hour, minute, second)


    hour is a number from 0 to 23.

    minute is a number from 0 to 59.

    second is a number from 0 to 59.

    Later on you can edit the arguments using the formula bar.
    date and time arguments windowdate and time arguments window
  6. Press the Enter button.

The time will be displayed in the selected cell.

time result

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