Context menus

A context menu is a menu that appears upon a right mouse click and offers a limited set of choices, i.e., actions related to the selected item within the 'Documents' module. Read this tip to find out what operations you can perform using context menus.

Context Menu of a Folder

If you want to open a context menu, right-click the needed folder or left-click the Actions icon icon next to it within one of the sections in the Documents module. Folder context menu includes the following options:

  • Open Icon Open - use it to open the selected folder and view its content.
  • Sharing Settings Icon Sharing Settings - use it to set access permissions for the whole folder content.
  • Link for Portal Users Icon Link for Portal Users - use it to copy the link to the selected folder to the clipboard so that you can share the link with other portal users. Users you send the link to must have corresponding permissions to be able to view/edit the folder content.
  • Mark as favorite Icon Mark as favorite - use it to add the folder to the Favorites section.
    To remove an added folder from the Favorites section, click the Favorite Icon icon or use the Remove from Favorites option in the context menu.
  • Download Icon Download - use it to save the folder with its content onto your hard disk drive as a .zip or .tar.gz archive (depending on the option you specified in the Common Settings of the 'Documents' module).
  • Move or Copy Icon Move or Copy - this menu entry contains the following sub-entries:
    • Move to - use it to move the folder to another section (e.g., to the 'Common' section or to one of the folders of the 'My documents' section).
    • Copy - use it to make a copy of the folder in another folder of the 'Documents' module.
  • Rename Icon Rename - use it to change the folder name.
  • Delete Icon Delete - use it to move the folder to the 'Trash' section.
You will find this context menu within the 'My documents' and 'Common' (if you are an administrator) sections.

In the 'Common' section (if you are an administrator or the folder owner), the Change owner Icon Change owner option is also available that allows to transfer ownership of a folder to another user.

In the 'Shared with me' section, there is one more option apart from the ones listed above - Remove from List Icon: Remove from List, which lets you exclude the selected folder from the ones shared with you.

In the 'Trash' section, one more option will be available - the Restore Icon Restore option, which you can select to recover the deleted folder.

If you integrated some other resource (, Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google) with the 'Documents' module, the context menu of this resource folder will include two more options: Change connection settings Icon Change connection settings and Disconnect third party IconDisconnect third party that let you alter the folder name as well as connection settings and remove the resource from the 'Documents' module, respectively.

Context Menu of a Document, Spreadsheet, Presentation

If you want to open a context menu, right-click the needed file or left-click the Actions icon icon next to it within one of the sections in the Documents module. The File context menu includes the following options:

  • Edit Icon Edit - use it to open the selected file for editing it.
  • Preview Icon Preview - use it to open the selected file for viewing it.
  • Sharing Settings Icon Sharing Settings - use it to set access permissions for the selected file.
  • Quick external link Icon Quick external link - use it to provide the default access type to the selected document and copy the link to the clipboard so that you can share the link with people outside the portal. The default access type is specified in Settings / Common / Default access rights in sharing settings / Default access rights for a specific file type. To change the access type, use the Sharing Settings option.
  • Link for Portal Users Icon Link for portal users - use it to copy the link to the selected document to the clipboard so that you can share the link with other portal users. Users you send the link to must have corresponding permissions to be able to view/edit the file.
  • Send by email Icon Send by email - use it to attach the selected document to an email message and send it using one of your email accounts connected in the Mail module.
  • Sign with DocuSign Icon Sign with DocuSign - use it to send the document for electronic signature to your portal users. If you have not yet integrated the DocuSign service with the 'Documents' module, the corresponding instructions on how to connect the service will appear.
  • Version history Icon Version history - this menu entry contains the following sub-entries:
    • Show version history - use it to open the list of existing versions and revisions.
    • Finalize version - use it to group all the existing revisions in one version.
  • Block for co-authors Icon Block for co-authors - use it to prevent the selected file from editing, renaming, moving to another folder, or deletion by other users with the corresponding rights.
    To release a lock, use the Unblock icon icon or the Unblock / Check-in option in the context menu.
  • Mark as favorite Icon Mark as favorite - use it to add the file to the Favorites section.
    To remove an added file from the Favorites section, click the Favorite Icon icon or use the Remove from Favorites option in the context menu.
  • Download Icon Download - use it to save the file onto your hard disk drive in its original format.
  • Download as Icon Download as - use it to save the file onto your hard disk drive in a selected format.
  • Move or Copy Icon Move or Copy - this menu entry contains the following sub-entries:
    • Move to - use it to move the file to another section (e.g., to the 'Common' section or to one of the folders of the 'My documents' section).
    • Copy - use it to make a copy of the file in any folder.
    • Create a copy - use it to make a copy of the file in the folder of an original file.
    When moving or copying files to a different folder, if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder, you will be asked to select if you want to overwrite the existing file by adding a new version to it, keep both the files in the destination folder, or skip moving/copying the file.
  • Rename Icon Rename - use it to change the file name.
  • Delete Icon Delete - use it to move the file to the 'Trash' sections.
You will find this context menu within the 'My documents' and 'Common' (if you are an administrator) section.

If a shared file has been updated by another person who has corresponding access rights, the Mark as Read Icon Mark as Read option is also available that allows to remove the new icon next to the updated file.

In the 'Favorites' section, the Open location Icon Open location option is also available that allows to switch to the folder that contains this file.

In the 'Common' section (if you are an administrator or the file owner), the Change owner Icon Change owner option is also available that allows to transfer ownership of a file to another user.

In the 'Shared with me' section, there is one more option apart from the ones listed above - it is the Remove from List Icon Remove from List option that is used to exclude the selected file from the ones shared with you.

In the 'Trash' section, one more option will be available - the Restore Icon Restore option, which you can select to recover the deleted file.

Context Menu of a Form template and fillable form

In the 'My documents' section, the .docxf Form template context menu includes the same options as a document context menu, excepting Sign with DocuSign. It also includes the following option:

  • Save as oform Icon Save as oform - use it to save the selected .docxf file as an .oform fillable form.

In the 'My documents' section, the .oform fillable form context menu includes the same options as a document context menu, excepting Edit and Sign with DocuSign. It also includes the following option:

  • Fill in the form Icon Fill in the form - use it to open the .oform fillable form for filling in its fields.

In the 'Shared with me' section, the available options for the .oform fillable form differ depending on the user's permissions.

  • A user who has Form Filling permissions can fill in the form, view the form, get a link for portal users, send the form by email, view the version history, add the form to Favorites, download or copy the form, and remove the form from the list.
  • A user who has Full Access permissions can fill in the form, view the form, get an external link, get a link for portal users, send the form by email, view the version history, block the form for co-authors, mark the form as read, add the form to Favorites, download or copy the form, rename the file, and remove the form from the list.

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