Using the Private Room to work on your documents securely


The Private Room is designed to provide a secure environment for document editing and co-authoring.

The Private Room is a special section in the Documents module. Work in the Private Room is only available via ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors.

Documents stored in the Private Room and data transferred during collaboration are encrypted with the AES-256 encryption algorithm to protect your data from unauthorized access.

The Private Room functionality is supported in the server version only, starting from Community Server v.11.0, Document Server v.5.5.4, and Control Panel v.2.9. The required version of Desktop Editors is v.5.6.

Step 1. Enable the Private Room settings in the Control Panel

The Private Room functionality is enabled by default in the Control Panel for the server version (the paid version 5.6 of Desktop Editors is also required for working with Private Rooms).

The full access administrator or portal owner can disable/enable the Private Room in the Control Panel.

To access the Control Panel, sign in to your portal and click the 'Control Panel' icon on the Start Page. Alternatively, you can go to the Portal Settings and select the Control Panel link on the left-side panel.

Private Room in the Control PanelPrivate Room in the Control Panel

Switch to the Private Room page in the PORTAL SETTINGS section of the Control Panel.

To disable/enable the Private Room, turn off/on the switcher and click the SAVE button. Private Rooms will be available for the current portal only.

Step 2. Connect to the ONLYOFFICE cloud via Desktop Editors

To start working in Private Rooms, users should install the latest version of the Desktop Editors with the Private Room support (version 5.6 and later).

If you try to open a document in the Private Room from a web browser, a new browser tab will open where you will be prompted to open or download Desktop Editors. If the application is already installed, click Open ONLYOFFICE Desktop in the browser pop-up window or click the Open ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors button to launch Desktop Editors. If the application is not installed, click the Download button to download the latest version of Desktop Editors from our official site.

To connect to the ONLYOFFICE cloud:

  1. Launch Desktop Editors.
  2. In the main program window, switch to the Connect to cloud tab at the left sidebar.
  3. Click the ONLYOFFICE button.
  4. Specify your web office address in the new window.
  5. Click the Connect now button.
Connect to cloud tabConnect to cloud tab
  1. On the authorization page, specify the login and password used to access your cloud office account.
You cannot sign in to your account via Desktop Editors using SSO or third-party services when Private Rooms are enabled.
Connect to cloud tabConnect to cloud tab
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Step 3. Store and manage documents in the Private Room

When users connected to the ONLYOFFICE cloud via Desktop Editors, they can use the Private Room section of the Documents module to store documents and collaborate on them securely.

Private RoomPrivate Room

The Private Room of each user contains:

  • folders and files created by the current user,
  • files shared with the current user by other users from the Private Room.
Work in the Private Room and documents stored in it are only available when you connect to your ONLYOFFICE cloud via the Desktop Editors interface.

Within the Private Room, you can:

  • create folders,
  • create and upload files (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx),
  • share documents with other portal users,
  • co-edit documents.

All documents are encrypted once uploaded or created. All the documents stored in the Private Room are encrypted and marked with the Encrypted file icon icon in the file list.

Sharing SettingsSharing Settings
Due to the specificity of encryption, there are some restrictions on certain operations in the Private Room compared with other sections of the Documents module.


  • When uploading files, an existing file with the same name cannot be overwritten.
  • You cannot upload files using the drag-and-drop method.
  • You cannot upload folders.


  • You cannot copy the files.


  • You can move the files within the Private Room section only.
  • You can move only your own items and cannot move items shared with you by other users.
  • When moving files, an existing file with the same name cannot be overwritten.


  • Files are removed permanently without passing through the Trash and cannot be restored.


  • You cannot restore previous versions of a file.


  • You can share files with users who have already obtained private and public keys.
  • You can share files providing Full Access only.
  • You cannot provide access to the file via an external link.
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Step 4. Share and co-edit documents in the Private Room

To share your files stored in the Private Room with other users:

  1. Click the Share button to the right of the necessary document.
  2. In the Sharing Settings window, click the Add Users button to open the user list, then check the users you want to share the document with and click Save.
    You can share the file with users who have already obtained private and public keys.
  3. By default, Full Access is provided. If you want to block access previously granted to a user, select the Deny Access option from the drop-down list next to the user name.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the Sharing Settings window.
Sharing SettingsSharing Settings

Now you can co-edit the file securely together with other users within the Private Room. When you work on the encrypted file, it is marked with the Encrypted file icon icon in the editor header.

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Private Rooms in ONLYOFFICE Workspace for Secure Collaboration on Documents

Need the ultimate level of data security when collaborating? Try the unique technology in ONLYOFFICE Workspace - Private Rooms. It is also available in the open-source Community version!

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