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Add hyphenation

Hyphenation is used to separate words at the end of lines with a '-' sign in a linguistically correct way.

To add hyphenation in the Document Editor:

  1. Switch to the Layout tab of the top toolbar.
  2. Click the
    Hyphenation icon on the top toolbar and choose the Automatic menu item to apply hyphenation to the document.
  3. To access hyphenation settings, click the arrow below the
    Hyphenation icon, and select the Hyphenation options menu item:

    Hyphenation settings

    • Automatically hyphenate document - check this box to hyphenate the document.
    • Hyphenate words in CAPS - uncheck this box for the words written in CAPS to be ignored during hyphenation.
    • Hyphenation zone - enter a value manually to control the distance from the edge of the page where a hyphen is required.
    • Limit consecutive hyphens to - enter a value manually to control the number of hyphens present consecutively, or leave the box unchanged with a default No limit option.
  4. Click the OK button.

To delete hyphenation, click the arrow below the Hyphenation icon, and select the None option.

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