Articles with the tag:
Try in the cloud
Try in the cloud

Navigate through your spreadsheet

To navigate between sheets, use the sheet navigation panel below the current worksheet. Tap the necessary sheet tab to switch to the sheet.

Sheet navigation panel

You can also use the List view to easily navigate through the sheets. To do this, tap the List view icon List view button and select the needed sheet from the list. The selected sheet will be opened. This option may come in handy when the book contains a lot of sheets.

List view

To scroll a sheet, swipe up or down, left or right.

To zoom in a sheet, use the stretch gesture: place two fingers on the screen and move them apart. The indicator displays the current zoom value as you move your fingers until you reach the Maximum zoom level.

To zoom out a sheet, use the pinch gesture: place two fingers on the screen and move them together. The indicator displays the current zoom value as you move your fingers until you reach the Minimum zoom level.

Power up your iOS Create, edit and view documents, spreadsheets
and presentations of all popular formats
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