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Try in the cloud

Insert images

Add an image

  1. Place the cursor where you want the image to be put.
  2. Tap the Insert object icon at the top toolbar, to open the new object insertion panel.
  3. Tap the Insert image Image tab.
  4. Select one of the following options to load the image:
    • the Picture from Library option will open the Media Library where you can select the necessary file.

      You must have appropriate permissions on your device Media Library.

    • the Picture from URL option will open the Link Settings window where you can enter the necessary image web address in the Image URL field and tap the Insert Image item.

The image will be added. Now you can change its properties and position.

Adjust the image settings

  1. Select the image by tapping it.
  2. Open the Picture Settings panel by
    • tapping the Edit object icon at the top toolbar, or
    • tapping the Image option in the pop-up menu.
  3. The picture settings have two tabs: Picture and Shape.

      The Picture tab contains the following sections: Wrap, Replace or Reorder, as well as two buttons: Default Size and Delete Picture. Tap the arrow Open settings next to the section name to open it.

    • The Wrap section allows to select a text wrapping style from the available ones and adjust some additional positioning options. To learn more, please refer to the Change text wrapping section of this guide.
    • The Replace section allows to replace the current image loading another one from the Media Library or URL.
    • The Reorder section allows to set the selected image position as related to other objects when several objects overlap each other. To learn more, please refer to the Manipulate objects section of this guide.
    • The Default Size option allows to restore the original image size.
    • The Delete Picture option allows to delete the inserted image.

      The Shape tab contains the Style menu. Tap the arrow Open settings next to the menu to open it.

    • The Contour section allows to set the image border. To learn more, please refer to the Contour section of this guide.
    • The Shadow option allows to enable or disable the switch to have the shape throw a shadow or not respectively.
    • The Opacity slider allows to set the opacity level.
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