Voci con l'etichetta :
Voci con l'etichetta :
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The FORECAST.ETS function is one of the statistical functions. It is used to calculate or predict a future value based on existing (historical) values by using the AAA version of the Exponential Smoothing (ETS) algorithm.

The FORECAST.ETS function syntax is:

FORECAST.ETS(target_date, values, timeline, [seasonality], [data_completion], [aggregation])


target_date is a date for which you want to predict a new value. Must be after the last date in the timeline.

values is a range of the historical values for which you want to predict a new point.

timeline is a range of date/time values that correspond to the historical values. The timeline range must be of the same size as the values range. Date/time values must have a constant step between them (although up to 30% of missing values can be processed as specified by the data_completion argument and duplicate values can be aggregated as specified by the aggregation argument).

seasonality is a numeric value that specifies which method should be used to detect the seasonality. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below.

Numeric value Behavior
1 or omitted Seasonality is detected automatically. Positive, whole numbers are used for the length of the seasonal pattern.
0 No seasonality, the prediction will be linear.
an integer greater than or equal to 2 The specified number is used for the length of the seasonal pattern.

data_completion is a numeric value that specifies how to process the missing data points in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below.

Numeric value Behavior
1 or omitted Missing points are calculated as the average of the neighbouring points.
0 Missing points are treated as zero values.

aggregation is a numeric value that specifies which function should be used to aggregate identical time values in the timeline data range. It is an optional argument. The possible values are listed in the table below.

Numeric value Function
1 or omitted AVERAGE

To apply the FORECAST.ETS function,

  1. select the cell where you wish to display the result,
  2. click the Insert function
    icon situated at the top toolbar,
    or right-click within a selected cell and select the Insert Function option from the menu,
    or click the
    icon situated at the formula bar,
  3. select the Statistical function group from the list,
  4. click the FORECAST.ETS function,
  5. enter the required arguments separating them by commas,
  6. press the Enter button.

The result will be displayed in the selected cell.


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