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Ports which must be opened for ONLYOFFICE Mail

ONLYOFFICE Mail v1.6 ONLYOFFICE Mail changelog

Version 1.6.57

Release date: 04/25/2019

New features

  • Added permanent Fail2Ban ignoreip section for docker containers and its gateway;
  • Added the possibility to create sieve rules for users inside /var/vmail/sieve/;
  • Added new extension to sieve: sieve_extensions -> editheader;
  • Exposed port 4190 for ManageSieve service;
  • Added the possibility to run an external script from the /var/vmail/ or /app/onlyoffice/MailServer/data/ path;
  • Changed the default FIRST_DOMAIN parameter;
  • Replaced the hard-coded password used for the first mailbox with a random one;
  • Removed old useless descriptions for iRedMail administrator console path;
  • Added backticks to the 'CREATE DATABASE' commands;
  • Added the possibility to send mail messages from alias_domain, alias_address and full alias;
  • Added the imapsync command;
  • Added the new Python scripts allowing to create mailboxes, change password and run imapsync batch in /usr/src/iRedMail/tools/scripts folder inside the onlyoffice-mail-server container;
  • Added the Python PIP manager and installation requirements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the bug with mailbox not being removed when using third level domain (issue: wrong domain regex);
  • Fixed the bug with the Cannot load 1024-bit DH parameters from file /etc/pki/tls/dhparams.pem warning;
  • Fixed the bug with the No such file or directory being shown in many cases;
  • Fixed the bug with the ECHO_INFO: command not found warning.

Version 1.6.25

Release date: 07/03/2017


  • Updated OpenSSL to the latest version (1.0.2).

Version 1.6.21

Release date: 04/26/2017


  • Fixed the issue when the amavisd-new interface could not start without the properly configured IPv6.

Version 1.6.20

Release date: 12/13/2016

Connection Settings

  • Added page to the Settings for the integration of Community Server (Windows version) with Mail Server.

Installation Script

  • Fixed the error shown if the mail domain is not specified, now Mail Server will not be installed if this is the case.

Version 1.6.7

Release date: 06/22/2016


  • Removed version from the iRedMail folder;
  • iRedMail completed with commits from v.0.9.2;
  • Deleted unused packages from iRedMail;
  • Added the SpamAssassin setup with initial bayes_tokens.


  • Fixed the incorrect MySQL server name in the config;
  • Fixed the issue with the config section duplication when starting the Docker container;
  • Fixed the issue with sending mail to a group/alias address;
  • Fixed the startup API issue.


  • Fixed logging during the installation.


  • Fixed the fail2ban and iptables issue when starting Docker in a network mode;
  • Fixed the issue with Mail Server on an external physical server.

Version 1.6.0

Release date: 03/09/2016


  • Redesigned Mail Server settings page.

Version 1.5.0

Release date: 04/20/2015

Mail Server

  • Mail Server for Docker first release.

Pase el cursor del ratón sobre la fila de la tabla que contiene el número de puerto para ver su descripción.

Puerto Servicio/ Protocolo Interno para conexiones entrantes/salientes Externo para conexiones entrantes Externo para conexiones salientes
Tenga en cuenta que Usted sólo tiene que abrir los puertos mencionados si tiene el servicio necesario instalado y lo usa, porque ellos son necesarios para el correcto funcionamiento de los servicios que figuran en la tabla. Si Usted ha desactivado y no planea usar ciertos servicios, considere cerrar los puertos correspondientes. Si Usted ha cambiado el puerto predeterminado a otro distinto, asegúrese de cerrar el puerto predeterminado y abrir lo que Usted ha definido.

* si el servicio está instalado en otro ordenador de red, un puerto externo debe ser abierto para conexiones de salida para ONLYOFFICE Mail ordenador, y las conexiones de entrada deben ser permitidas para este puerto en el ordenador remoto.

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Docker, Windows and Linux
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